Why do we sin? How do we avoid sin? Sin comes in many different forms. To me sin is selfishness. Sin is according to our wants, whether it be material things, money, lying, disobedience, deceit, anger, jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness, and so on.
All acts of selfishness are not according to God’s will for you. Sin pushes you away from God. Sin makes it more difficult to receive God’s grace and blessings. When you think about it, sin is easy to recognize. Anytime your thought or your words or your actions obsessively have you at the forefront, than you can almost guarantee you are sinning. It doesn’t mean that having a nice house, car, and make a lot of money is always a sin. It means that when these things take precedent and become more important then your spiritual well being, you are not acting according to God’s will.
Sin is when we desire things for personal gain, whether to posses something or to hurt someone else. Draw yourself closer to God by avoiding sin. Submit yourself to God’s will. Repent. Ask God for forgiveness. Think about others first. Love one another. It sounds simple but it is not. We are all sinners. Recognizing your sins and trying to avoid those sins in the future brings you closer to God. That is what we truly seek.
Have a Blessed day!
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