Easter week is a great time to reflect on God’s love for us.  Imagine sacrificing your only child to be painfully crucified.  All of this because the Father in Heaven loved us so much that he wanted to be with us and to have the opportunity to achieve eternal salvation, joy, peace, love, etc. 

In order to be with the Father in heaven we must go through Jesus.  This means we must believe that Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.  Thank you God!  Thank you Jesus!  What do I need to do besides believe?  I must be truly sorry for my transgressions, my sins everyday.  I must work on the temptation and to try and avoid sin everyday in my thoughts, in my words and in my deeds.  I look at this week as a reminder that I must prepare myself for eternity. 

A lot of people forget that the time on this earth is short.  Life passes very quickly.  I remember when my parents were my age and how quickly their last 20-30 years went by.  What can I do and how can I live my life to please the Lord?  I can first start each day with prayer, daily devotion, asking for forgiveness and reading the scripture.  Ask God to guide you in recognizing and understanding his will for you.  Ask God on how I can impact someone’s life in a positive way  each day. 

Faith, Love and Joy.  Faith in Jesus that we will be blessed as promised.   Love others as God wants us to love him and as God loves us.  Joy that comes from God’s love and blessings.

Have a blessed Easter week!